Kümned portugallased said surma leekide eest pagedes

Kadri Veermäe
Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
TOPSHOT - A policeman walks on a road past burnt cars after a wildfire in Figueiro dos Vinhos  on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 57 people and injured 59 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts.    / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
TOPSHOT - A policeman walks on a road past burnt cars after a wildfire in Figueiro dos Vinhos on June 18, 2017. A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 57 people and injured 59 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA Foto: PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA/AFP

Portugali tabas nädalavahetusel lähiajaloo ohvriterohkeim looduskatastroof, riigi keskosas möllavates maastikupõlengutes on hukkunud vähemalt 62 inimest, teatasid võimud eile.

Paljud ohvrid olid põgeneda püüdes maanteel autodesse lõksu jäänud.

Tulekahju puhkes üleeile Kesk-Portugalis Pedrógão Grande piirkonnas ja hakkas sealt mitmesse suunda levima. «Paljud autod ei pääsenud välja ning inimesed põlesid omaenda autodes surnuks,» rääkis siseministeeriumi esindaja Jorge Gomes eile televõrgule Televisão Independente.



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