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Kerry: Süüria valitsuse lubadusest ei piisa

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
US Secretary of State John Kerry attends a joint press conference with the Russian Foreign minister in Geneva during their meeting on Syria's chemical weapons, on September 12, 2013.  Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on September 12 said there was still "a chance for peace" in Syria as he prepared for high-stakes talks with his US counterpart on a plan for Damascus to give up its chemical weapons. Before leaving for the talks in Geneva, Lavrov said during a visit to Kazakhstan that he was prepared to "ensure Syria's adherence to the chemical weapon ban convention," which would include the country's total disclosure of its chemical arms sites.    AFP PHOTO / POOL / LARRY DOWNING
US Secretary of State John Kerry attends a joint press conference with the Russian Foreign minister in Geneva during their meeting on Syria's chemical weapons, on September 12, 2013. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on September 12 said there was still "a chance for peace" in Syria as he prepared for high-stakes talks with his US counterpart on a plan for Damascus to give up its chemical weapons. Before leaving for the talks in Geneva, Lavrov said during a visit to Kazakhstan that he was prepared to "ensure Syria's adherence to the chemical weapon ban convention," which would include the country's total disclosure of its chemical arms sites. AFP PHOTO / POOL / LARRY DOWNING Foto: LARRY DOWNING/AFP

USA hinnangul ei piisa Süüria valitsuse lubadust sealse keemiaarsenali allutamiseks rahvusvahelise kontrolli alla, ütles Ühendriikide välisminister John Kerry neljapäeval.

«Süüria režiimi sõnadest meie hinnangul lihtsalt ei piisa, mistõttu tulime siia tegema koostööd venelastega,» ütles Kerry ajakirjanikele enne kohtumist Vene välisministri Sergei Lavroviga.

USA on veendunud, et Süüria valitsus kasutas 21. augustil keemiarelva oma elanike vastu.

Ühendriikide president Barack Obama avaldas neljapäeval lootust, et Genfis peetavatel Vene-USA kõnelustel jõutakse konkreetse plaanini Süüria keemiarelvavarude likvideerimiseks.

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