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Pariisi Bataclani kontserdimaja avatakse aasta pärast terrorirünnakut

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
(FILES) This file photo taken on November 01, 2016 shows flowers tied to a fence outside the "Bataclan" concert hall during All Saints' day in Paris, one of the targets of the November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks during which 130 people were killed and another 413 were wounded.
British rock star Sting will re-open Paris' Bataclan concert hall on November 12, a day before the anniversary of the jihadist attacks that left 90 people dead there, the venue's owner said on November 4, 2016. The former frontman of The Police confirmed the announcement by Lagardere Unlimited Live Entertainment, saying in a statement on his website: "In re-opening the Bataclan, we have two important tasks to reconcile. "First, to remember and honour those who lost their lives in the attack a year ago, and second to celebrate the life and the music that this historic theatre represents." / AFP PHOTO / PHILIPPE LOPEZ
(FILES) This file photo taken on November 01, 2016 shows flowers tied to a fence outside the "Bataclan" concert hall during All Saints' day in Paris, one of the targets of the November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks during which 130 people were killed and another 413 were wounded. British rock star Sting will re-open Paris' Bataclan concert hall on November 12, a day before the anniversary of the jihadist attacks that left 90 people dead there, the venue's owner said on November 4, 2016. The former frontman of The Police confirmed the announcement by Lagardere Unlimited Live Entertainment, saying in a statement on his website: "In re-opening the Bataclan, we have two important tasks to reconcile. "First, to remember and honour those who lost their lives in the attack a year ago, and second to celebrate the life and the music that this historic theatre represents." / AFP PHOTO / PHILIPPE LOPEZ Foto: PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP

Pariisi Bataclani kontserdimaja avatakse päev enne mulluste terrorirünnakute aastapäeva Stingi kontserdiga, ütles täna briti rokkstaar.

Stingi sõnul on Bataclani taasavamiskontserdil täita kaks tähtsat ülesannet: «Esiteks meenutada ja austada neid, kes aasta eest rünnakus elu kaotasid ja teiseks pühitseda elu ja muusikat, mida see ajalooline teater esindab.»

Bataclan oli üks mitmest rahvarohkest kohast, mida äärmusrühmituse Islamiriik (ISIS) terroristid eelmise aasta 13. novembril ründasid. Kontserdimajas, jalgpallistaadionil ning baarides ja restoranides sai enesetapuplahvatustes ja tulistamises surma kokku 130 inimest.

Kõik Stingi kontserdi tulud lähevad kahele heategevusorganisatsioonile, mis toetavad Pariisi rünnakute ohvreid, ütles kontserdikorraldaja avalduses.

Sting ütles, et kontserdiga avaldatakse austust ohvrite mälestusele. «Me ei unusta neid.»

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