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Prantsusmaa tühistab laupäeval Lõuna-Aafrika lendude keelu

Workers load the luggages of volunteer medical workers and firemen in their their plane prior to their fly to French overseas department of Martinique and Guadeloupe amid the Covid-19 pandemic, at the Orly airport in Orly, near Paris, on August 20, 2021. - More than 300 health workers fly from Parisian Orly airport on August 20 afternoon to Martinique and Guadeloupe, whose hospitals are saturated with Covid-19 cases. The caregivers will come "in support" and will "take over" the teams "already on site", according to a statement from the French Ministry of Health. (Photo by STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP)
Workers load the luggages of volunteer medical workers and firemen in their their plane prior to their fly to French overseas department of Martinique and Guadeloupe amid the Covid-19 pandemic, at the Orly airport in Orly, near Paris, on August 20, 2021. - More than 300 health workers fly from Parisian Orly airport on August 20 afternoon to Martinique and Guadeloupe, whose hospitals are saturated with Covid-19 cases. The caregivers will come "in support" and will "take over" the teams "already on site", according to a statement from the French Ministry of Health. (Photo by STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP) Foto: Stephane De Sakutin

Prantsusmaa teatas kolmapäeval, et hakkab alates laupäevast taas lubama riiki lende Lõuna-Aafrikast, kuid maale lubatakse vaid Prantsusmaa ja Euroopa Liidu elanikud, diplomaadid ja lennukimeeskond.

Prantsusmaale jõudes peavad reisijad tegema koroonatesti ja jääma ka negatiivse tulemuse korral seitsmeks päevaks karantiini.

Positiivse testi puhul on karantiin kümme päeva, ütles valitsuse pressiesindaja Gabriel Attal pärast iganädalast kabinetiistungit.


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