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Nepalis vahistati alaealist seksuaalselt ära kasutanud poiss-Buddha

Nepal s Buddha Boy arrested on charges of rape and forceful disappearance Dubbed as Little Buddha or the Buddha Boy- Ram Lal Bomjan- Nepals controversial spiritual leader arrested in charge of rape, forceful disappearance is presented before media during a press conference held by Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal in Kathmandu. Believed to be reincarnation of Gautam Buddha, Bomjan 34 came to the attention of the public in 2005 after he claimed of meditating for months without foods, water or sleep. Soon after his meditation was over he set up ashrams in Bara, Sarlahi, Sindhupalchowk and Sindhuli Districts. Copyright: xSubashxShresthax
Nepal s Buddha Boy arrested on charges of rape and forceful disappearance Dubbed as Little Buddha or the Buddha Boy- Ram Lal Bomjan- Nepals controversial spiritual leader arrested in charge of rape, forceful disappearance is presented before media during a press conference held by Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal in Kathmandu. Believed to be reincarnation of Gautam Buddha, Bomjan 34 came to the attention of the public in 2005 after he claimed of meditating for months without foods, water or sleep. Soon after his meditation was over he set up ashrams in Bara, Sarlahi, Sindhupalchowk and Sindhuli Districts. Copyright: xSubashxShresthax Foto: IMAGO/Subash Shrestha

Nepalis arreteeriti seksuaalse kuritarvitamise süüdistuste tõttu vastuoluline budistlik sektijuht, teatas kohalik politsei.

Ram Bahadur Bomjan, keda kohalikus meedias kutsutakse n-ö poiss-Buddhaks, arreteeriti teisipäeva õhtulalaealise seksuaalse ärakasutamise tõttu.

Tema vahistamismäärus väljastati juba 2020. aastal. Politseile teatas pealinnast Katmandust lõunas Baras elanud nunn, et Bomjan kuritarvitab seksuaalselt alaealist tüdrukut.


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