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FOTOD Arheoloogid kaevasid Pompeist välja järjekordse antiikšedöövri

epa11732841 People visit the House of the Little Fountain (the Casa della Fontana Piccola) after it was reopened to the public following restoration, Pompeii, Italy, 21 November 2024. The site was reopened to the public inaugurating the fourth edition of 'Telling the construction sites'. Every Thursday until 17 April 2025, holders of the MyPompeii Card will be able to visit the construction sites of the archaeological park. The house, known for the mosaic fountain with shells and copies of bronze statues, offers a glimpse into the prestige of its ancient owners. Recent interventions concerned the reinforcement of the roofs, the waterproofing of the attics and the conservation of the decorations of the peristyle.  EPA/CESARE ABBATE
epa11732841 People visit the House of the Little Fountain (the Casa della Fontana Piccola) after it was reopened to the public following restoration, Pompeii, Italy, 21 November 2024. The site was reopened to the public inaugurating the fourth edition of 'Telling the construction sites'. Every Thursday until 17 April 2025, holders of the MyPompeii Card will be able to visit the construction sites of the archaeological park. The house, known for the mosaic fountain with shells and copies of bronze statues, offers a glimpse into the prestige of its ancient owners. Recent interventions concerned the reinforcement of the roofs, the waterproofing of the attics and the conservation of the decorations of the peristyle. EPA/CESARE ABBATE Foto: CESARE ABBATE

Itaalias Vesuuvi vulkaani jalamil asunud Pompei linnast on arheoloogid välja kaevanud suure termide kompleksi.

Ligi 2000 aastat tagasi Vesuuvi vulkaanipurske tuhasse mattunud Pompei antiikaegsest villast kaevati välja ühed linna suurimad kümblusruumid, vahendas AFP.

Pompei linna välja kaevatud mälestisi haldava organisatsiooni Parco Archeologico di Pompei sõnul võis säilinud pinkide järgi eeldada, et riiete vahetamise ruum mahutas kuni 30 inimest. Seejärel oli võimalik lõõgastuda soojendatud lõõgastuspingil ehk kaldaariumis, kuuma kümbluse järel mindi leigemasse ruumi ehk tepidaariumi ning lõpuks suunduti jahutusruumi ehk frigidaariumisse.

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